I am a marine ecologist that work with marine pelagic organisms, particularly copepods and euphausiids, small pelagic fishes and recently jumbo squids. My experience as taxonomist is related with my attraction to parasites, my fisrt taxonomic description was a new genus and species of a parastic isopod (Oculophryxus bicaulis) that infest the euphausiids Stylocheiron affine and Stylocheiron longicorne. My facination with the complex and enigmatic parasites of euphausiids lead me to describe several new species (Collinia beringensis, Gymnodinoides pacifica) and more recently the new genus and species Pseudocollinia brintoni a parasitoid ciliate that infect the euphausiid Nyctiphanes simplex. Parasites have complex life cycles and now we are working with taxonomy and genetic of helminths (nematods, trematods, cestoda, and acantocephala) from zooplankton (mostly euphausiids) and nekton (jumbo squid, blue whale sharks and teleosteos fishes) in the Gulf of California to infer their life cycles.
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